EU launches third call for urban development proposals

Green Forum
To further bolster and enhance sustainable urban development within EU cities, the Commission initiated a third call for proposals totaling €90 million under the European Urban Initiative (EUI). 

Projects chosen through this call will aim to test innovative solutions within cities to facilitate their transition towards environmentally friendly and digitally advanced practices.

The projects are required to focus on one of the following two priorities:

Energy Transition: Experimenting with and exploring practical innovative solutions to ensure affordable, secure, and cleaner local energy systems.
Technology in Cities: Exploring emerging technologies and digital solutions to enhance public services, urban governance, quality of life, and citizen engagement, ensuring that cities are safer, more secure, and accessible to everyone.

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) will provide 80% co-financing for project costs, with each project eligible to receive up to €5 million. Part of this funding will facilitate the transfer of knowledge and adaptation of these tested solutions to other EU cities, thus ensuring that local initiatives have broader societal and economic impacts across Europe. Local authorities and project partners will cover the remaining 20% of funding.

Representatives from EU cities interested in participating are encouraged to refer to the EUI webpage for information on the application process. The deadline for submitting proposals is October 14, 2024.

Green Forum  |  26 July, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Green Forum  |  26 July, 2024 at 10:00 AM