Tag: carbon emissions (31 articles)

Regulation   |   25 April, 2023 at 6:16 PM

Romania reduces GHG from agriculture

Romania has committed to reducing net carbon emissions from agriculture by 51% compared to 1990 by 2050, according to the long-term strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions of Romania, carried out by the Government. Also, 5% of the energy requirement in agriculture will be provided by the manure transformed into biogas.

Industry   |   27 March, 2023 at 2:30 PM

L'Oreal invests in biotechnology company

L'Oreal invests in a biotechnology company to develop plant-based ingredients on a large scale. The investment will contribute to the creation of new sustainable ingredients derived from living organisms. L'Oréal will replace traditional ingredients with organic alternatives, such as those obtained from sugars of vegetable origin.

Industry   |   8 March, 2023 at 2:36 PM

Europe is looking for the magic solution to decarbonise

Europe is looking for the magic solution for decarbonization, simultaneously with ensuring energy security, although the year started with a strong feeling of optimism for the energy sector at the global level, says Radu Puiu, Financial Analyst at the brokerage house on international exchanges XTB Romania. Amid recent negative factors, many countries have had to resort to fossil fuels and delay the transition to green energy.

Industry   |   7 March, 2023 at 5:24 PM

700 companies from Romania recycle 30,000 tons of waste

In the last three months of last year, over 29,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions were reduced in Romania, through the packaging recycling activity generated by approximately 700 companies, according to Clean Recycle data. In 2021, Romania recorded a quantity of 79 million tons of carbon emissions from all industries, increasing by 5 million tons compared to 2020.

Industry   |   23 February, 2023 at 10:30 AM

Green Environment Support reports €500,000 turnover

Green Environment Support, one of the biggest players in the Romanian market of environmental consultancy services, reports RON 2.5 million (€500,000) worth of business in 2022, with an 18% increase as compared to 2021.