EU initiates investigation into Chinese wind turbine firms

Green Forum
The European Union, in its efforts to safeguard its domestic industry from inexpensive competition, has initiated an investigation into Chinese wind turbine companies for subsidies.

Margrethe Vestager, the EU's chief competition enforcer, announced the probe to determine whether Chinese firms involved in wind projects across Europe have received state aid from Beijing. This inquiry will utilize the European Commission's enhanced authority to address subsidies that distort markets, as Brussels aims to shield itself from unfair competition, particularly from Beijing.

The investigation will scrutinize the circumstances surrounding the establishment of wind parks in Spain, Greece, France, Romania, and Bulgaria, according to Vestager.

This action follows the recent launch of inquiries by the Commission into two consortia competing for a solar park project in Romania, both of which include Chinese solar panel manufacturers. In a similar move in February, the Commission commenced an investigation into a bid by the Chinese state-owned company CRRC to supply trains in Bulgaria at half the price of a European competitor, prompting CRRC to withdraw from the bidding process later on.

Chinese officials expressed deep concern after the European Union's subsidy investigation into wind turbine manufacturers subsidized by Beijing, condemning what they perceive as "protectionist" and "discriminatory measures".

Green Forum  |  26 July, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Green Forum  |  26 July, 2024 at 10:00 AM