4 out of 10 Romanians have not heard of any brand involved in sustainable actions

Alina Oprea
Most Romanians believe that there are few companies that have made sustainability commitments and even fewer that concretely take sustainable actions, shows the data of the Omnibus study "Perceptions among the national population on the communication of brands regarding sustainability commitments", carried out by IZI given to the Romanian Sustainability Embassy (ASR). 7 out of 10 respondents believe that there are few brands that declare that they are involved and more than 8 out of 10 respondents say that there are few brands that take concrete actions in the field of sustainability, the Omnibus study also shows.

In this context, but also taking into account the major role of companies in society, the information needs of stakeholders have increased significantly, including among consumers, who are becoming more and more interested in the topic of sustainability. Thus, responsible communication on the part of companies has become essential for combating disinformation, in its increasingly diverse forms: greenwashing, pinkwashing, sport washing, bluewashing, and woke-washing.

“Truly responsible companies first do and then communicate. We were talking about sustainability 20 years ago in terms of CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility. Meanwhile, the concept of Corporate Governance emerged. Companies that truly do sustainable and responsible business in the markets they operate in have developed their own internal taxonomy. Reports upon reports that help us understand if the messages we send out to the outside really support reality," said Anca Ungureanu, Identity & Communication Director, UniCredit Bank.

Valer Hancaș, the president of IAA Romania, believes that, in order to combat the phenomenon of greenwashing (making false, misleading, unfounded, or incomplete claims regarding the green attributes that a product, service, or commercial activity fulfils), companies need first of a well-defined strategy and concrete actions.

"I think we should focus on what it means to be responsible and engaging with consumers. Every business is focused, first of all, on profit. Without profit, there can be no sustainable actions, regardless of whether we are talking about involvement in disadvantaged social environments, environmental protection, and so on. Companies are aware of and benefit from a lot of in-depth studies, so the demands of the public should be extremely clear. Until communication, where we risk going in the wrong direction of greenwashing, there should be a strategy, an x-ray of the mission that the company has, and some concrete actions", said Valer Hancaș, president of IAA Romania.

The media has an important role to play in combating disinformation in the field of sustainability by distributing correct and verified information. Moreover, journalists can generate change for the better by presenting positive examples of sustainable companies and by investigating and exposing cases of greenwashing.

ING Bank Romania aims for net-zero in its own operations

ING Bank Romania aims for net-zero in its own operations

ING Bank Romania has invested €11 million in the past 11 years in environmental actions in Romania and €1.2 million were donated in 2022 alone for vulnerable groups' support, says Alexandra Maier, Sustainability Manager at ING Bank Romania.

DS Smith reduces CO2 emissions by 10%

DS Smith reduces CO2 emissions by 10%

In line with its decarbonization objectives, DS Smith has this year reduced CO2 emissions by 10% (15% compared to 2019) and achieved a 4% reduction in water consumption in paper mills in areas exposed to the risk of stress hydric.

Architect Matius Ichim: Lack of education in terms of ESG is the challenge
Real estate

Architect Matius Ichim: "Lack of education in terms of ESG is the challenge"

Lack of education in terms of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and a poor number of good practice solutions are two of the challenges in the field, says Matius Ichim, Architect at Matius Studio and owner of the retail platform www.prioretail.ro. He talked to Green Forum about the advantages of a sustainably built commercial space. He says that 15-20% of the operating networks in Romania have started implementing ESG key principles in their fit-out design and close to 5% in full sustainable standards.

Green Forum  |  7 February, 2025 at 7:53 AM
Green Forum  |  7 February, 2025 at 7:24 AM