Bucharest completes sewage treatment plant that treats all waste water

Alina Oprea
The works at the Glina Wastewater Treatment Plant have been completed. After 48 years, we can finally say that Bucharest has a sewage treatment plant that treats all wastewater in the capital, announced mayor Nicușor Dan. Until now, the water from Bucharest's sewers flowed into Dâmboviţa, from there into Argeş, then into the Danube and the Black Sea, polluting all these waters. Now, with the expansion and modernization of the Station, the water from the sewage system will be mechanically and biologically purified 100%.

"I visited the Station today, together with the French Ambassador, Nicolas Warnery, the representative of the Spanish Embassy, ​​Ms. Ana Hernandez, officials of the European Investment Bank, and the directors of the companies that took care of this project. Thank you to everyone involved in this project, and thank you to the builders who continued to work, although they were not paid for a long time. I thank the EIB for being lenient with us in difficult financial moments for the Capital City Hall", says the mayor.

The value of the investment was RON 650 million (€130 million), the money mostly coming from the World Bank, with co-financing provided by the Romanian state and the Municipality of Bucharest, through a loan from the European Investment Bank.

"It was a difficult project, which I took over 3 years ago, at 40%, in very difficult conditions, with blocked accounts, with doubts from everyone that it could be completed", he adds.

Conservation Carpathia Foundation protects beech trees in Europe

Conservation Carpathia Foundation protects beech trees in Europe

2,544 ancient beech trees from Nucșoara can be adopted in the "Forest of Immortal Stories". The new project is an initiative of the Commune of Nucșoara in Argeș County, carried out with the support of the Conservation Carpathia team and aims to protect some of the most spectacular ancient beech trees in Europe and to contribute to the tourism development of the area. Anyone can adopt a secular beech tree for RON700 (€140), choosing it from a map of the site or searching by a preferred number.

Romania should have a body to regulate the ESG field

Romania should have a body to regulate the ESG field

Romania should have a body that regulates the ESG field (environment, social, and governance), and the ministries should prepare sustainability reports, says Călin Ionescu, CEO of Sphera Franchise Group. Although there is an obligation to publish the ESG report for all companies with over 500 employees, apart from multinationals, most do not publish it because there is no sanction.

Green Forum  |  26 July, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Green Forum  |  26 July, 2024 at 10:00 AM